Il network CONTEXT organizza una serie di seminari virtuali.

Nel periodo previsto fra Giugno e Luglio, il progetto CONTEXT organizza dei seminari virtuali sul Tessile tecnico. La lingua adottata nei Working Groups e’ l’inglese, di seguito potrete leggere la circolare ufficiale.

The network CONTEXT ( organises during June & July thematic working groups in a web format. CONTEXT gathers experts in the smart textile & advanced textile sector from 35 different countries (Europe and associated countries). The network is supported by Europe in order to foster scientific emulation as well as technological and industrial ones on the smart textile sector.

Participation to these working groups is free (but registration is mandatory). It’s a good way for you to discover the first results of the CONTEXT project and to identify future partners all over Europe.

Four topics are planned (all working groups use English as work language) :

WG1: Healthcare and Medicine –
Date: Friday 3rd July
Time: 10 h to 11:30 h CEST

WG3: Personal Protective Equipment –
Date: Tuesday 23rd June
Time: 10 h to 11:30 h CEST

WG4: Buildings, architecture & Infrastructures –
Date: Tuesday 9th July
Time: 10 h to 11:30 h CEST

WG5: Sports and wearables –
Date: Thursday 25th June
Time: 10 h to 11:30 h CEST

To register, please send an email to before Monday 22th June 2020.