GALACTICA has prepared 8 Learning Expeditions in Fall 2021 to foster collaboration among Aerospace, Textile and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors.
Inter-cluster learning expeditions experiences will consist of cross-sectoral visits to industry-leading companies followed by co-creation workshops to facilitate cross-sectoral idea generation. Learning Expeditions are an opportunity to visit, learn and listen to success stories from leading companies from different industrial sector
Now, we have all eight Learning expeditions open for registration! You can find there the complete booklet of the different learning expeditions you can participate in.
Do not miss this opportunity to learn the latest trends in the sectors of aerospace, textile and advanced manufacturing, participate in cross-sectoral fertilization workshops and networking opportunities that GALACTICA offers you.
Do you need financial support to participate in the learning expeditions?
GALACTICA is offering travel vouchers of up to 650€ for Learning Expeditions through a series of calls for expression of interest open to EU27+UK SMEs and startups in the textile, aerospace and advanced manufacturing sectors.
Check out the deadlines for registering to each individual Learning Expedition to receive a travel voucher:
- Call for EoIs – Valencia Learning expedition –> Deadline: 9/9/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Seville Learning expedition –> Deadline: 16/9/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Athens Learning expedition –> Deadline: 23/9/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Prato Learning expedition –> Deadline: 30/9/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Nantes Learning expedition –> Deadline: 07/10/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Hamburg Learning expedition –> Deadline: 14/10/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Barcelona / Terrassa Learning expedition –> Deadline: 21/10/21 at 17h CEST
- Call for EoIs – Porto Learning expedition –> Deadline: 21/10/21 at 17h CEST
To apply, please fill in your application before each individual deadline through GALACTICA’s Calls platform.
We will keep the agendas updated in the GALACTICA website. Stay tuned for updates!
2nd Hackathon with 50k€ in prizes is now open!
The Second GALACTICA Hackathon is open to start-ups and SMEs as well as to university students based in the European Union (EU27) or the United Kingdom. GALACTICA seeks innovative solutions to combine the aerospace and textile sectors with advanced manufacturing is expected, in order to re-shape value chains and business models, fomenting cross-sectoral and cross-border partnerships.
The registration for the Second GALACTICA Hackathon is now open through the GALACTICA call platform until September 24th at 17h CEST, 2021.
Please read through the terms of participation here.
The Second GALACTICA Hackathon will take place in two rounds:
- firstly an online virtual challenge on open innovation during October 2021
- the 2nd round will be in-person for selected finalists on November 30th and December 1st, in the Barcelona region (as long as sanitary conditions allow so).
All participants from the first round will be invited to three free-to-access workshops from experts on technological and business topics. The ten finalist teams will also be invited to an additional workshop and mentoring before the two-day Hackathon final in the Barcelona area.
The GALACTICA hackathon will award 50.000€ in prizes, distributed in 25k€ for the winning SME/Start-up team and 10k€ for the runner-up. On the other side, the winning team of students receives 10k€ and the runner-up 5k€.
GALACTICA Community Platform
Remember you can still interact with other participants in the GALACTICA Community Platform by posting your requests/offers in the marketplace, send messages to other participants and organize virtual meetings with them.
We take the chance to inform you that the GALACTICA Community Platform has surpassed the 200 participants. As the participant number increases so do the potential opportunities! Don’t forget this platform will be available for the entire duration of GALACTICA and you can browse participants in B2B and book meetings at any time here: